Girls.. Would you rather be 5'0 or 6'0? (It's a lame question I know but I'd rather be 5'0)


11 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I kinda like where I'm at.....5'4"

dragonfly forty-six Profile

My daughter is 6ft. I am a smidgen shorter. When I was young I wanted to be short. Hated being the tallest kid in the class. Even in junior high I was taller than most boys. Then when I hit high school, bam, all the boys grew up, and I loved being tall. I'll keep my almost 6ft tall self. Only reason I'd want to be short is if I could wear 6 inch heals every day. I won't wear anything past 3 inches. Size 7 shoes look cuter than size 10's do. Tall girls have big feet!

Claire MotherofPetey Profile

5'0"  I'm 5'6" but my sister is 5'0" and she's so cute.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

I think I'm about 5f t 5 . I'd like to be like 5ft 7.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

From personal experience, being somewhat taller than 5'5 helps you better socially. Exponentially better if you're a male. It's pretty sad but humans are just that way and I would never have noticed had it not been my friend who wanted to prove it to me. He's a pretty short fellow around 5'4. He would walk into an establishment and the greeter would basically ignore him over someone taller.

LiftedTruck Redneck Profile

I'd much rather be 5'0 than 6'0. My younger cousin is like 5'7", I'm around 5'3" I think, and my brothers girlfriend is around 4'11". When I was little, I always lifted my older brother onto my shoulder so he could reach stuff for meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2 People thanked the writer.
LiftedTruck Redneck
That's awesome! I probably would've fallen and broke my faceπŸ˜‚ In our house, there was nowhere to do that at. :(
LiftedTruck Redneck
I usually just jump on something to get high enough to grab the boards, then pull myself up that way, if I'm in the barn or garage. Otherwise I have to use a ladder, but that takes so much work to get it out! People don't know the struggles until you have to do either the "run and jump" technique or the "pull yourself up by the center console or steering wheel" technique to get in your vehicle!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
LiftedTruck Redneck
I actually can't run, so my life is pretty much a bunch of FORGET THAT's! Dumb doctors screwed it upπŸ˜’ I guess that's when you get one of those emergency ladders that fold up and throw it out the door to climb up and down to get in and out each time!πŸ˜‚
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I am 5'4" and don't want to be any shorter. I don't think I would want to be 6'0" either. I wouldn't mind being about 5'8...5'10" though.

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