By getting up each day and doing their best. Hopefully they have friends and family to help them along the way.
Frugally. :(
By breathing, eating and drinking.
After watching the 49ers get their butts kicked and the Eagles losing, not very well ! At least Green Bay beat the Seahawks so that made all of those beers worthwhile ! Life goes on till next Sunday !
You breathe.
You take care of your body.
You improve your mind.
You find a goal.
You chase after that goal.
You find another goal.
Rinse and repeat.
By not ending your own life.
By enjoying each day as much as you can.
By having good friends by your side when you are trudging through mud.
My daring to risk heartbreak by loving, because the love is worth it.
By being a good listener to other's and asking what they need of you, to see if you can accomodate them in any way, then doing so.
By having someone who will give you a good hug, animals apply.
By telling the thoughts (chatterbox/narrater) to give you a break when they are hounding you, telling you that "you are not good enough, or "should, would, could of done that," and find a peaceful place to sit and take in the beauty of nature.
By having a nice bath and cuddling up with yourself on the sofa.
By standing by yourself no matter what.
By falling in love with the body that you will be sleeping with you for the rest of your life.
Having at least one person who you can be totally honest with about what scares you, and who you are.
By avoiding toxic people who enjoy putting you down to build themselves up.
To do things that make you live in the moment, to take a break from "thinking too much."
To understand no one is perfect but we do the best with what we can at any given moment, and sometimes that isn't a lot because life dishes out gifts and hard knocks. It can give, and then take it away.
To do something that reminds you of being young and carefree without worrying what others think. Because when you come to the end of your journey do you want a life full of fearing, or one full of good memories? Because those are our true treasures, you cannot take anything in this material world with you, but you are born and die with your heart and mind.
You will never be by this way again, so make it a good one :)
By being born, and then not dying.
By helping others
By eating breathing and sleeping.