
If you knew that you'd be making a difference in the world if you became a sort of scientist, would you maybe?


3 Answers

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

I didn't become a scientist so much to make a difference in the world but to answer the questions I always had about myriad subjects and to generate more questions from the answers.

Scientists are like that, having  a burning desire to know how and why things are as they are. Making a difference in the world is somewhat of an offshoot of the scientific method.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Only if it was a positive difference.

If I didn't know whether the difference was going to be positive or negative I would because, if it was positive I could cure some 'un-curable disease then that'd be great! If it was negative then... I don't know. Hopefully the possible positives would outweigh any possible negatives??

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