I did not have a tree so don't blame me and I don't own a car
Do you ever worry about just how bad Christmas is for our earth, the pollution of wrapping paper, trees being cut down and etc? How have you made this Christmas greener?
Around here, Christmas trees are recycled, they are taken to one of the many lakes and used for fish habitats. So not all is lost!
We have an artificial tree - we use gift bags and tissue paper that we recycle. For other gifts, I use the comics to wrap the presents so I am recycling my newspaper.
I haven't wrapped a present in years. We reuse gift bags. And my tree is artificial. But to be honest that is only because I am allergic to real trees,
The thing you need to be aware of about Christmas trees, is that they are farmed. For each tree cut there is another being planted. Also many communities will take you tree and mulch it and then give the mulch free to the citizens. And mulching conserves water.