
What Do Stimuli Mean?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stimuli is an organism that react to a change in motion
Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Stimuli are the plural form of stimulus. When an activity or a reaction is elicited from an organism by a factor o thing then it is known as stimulus or stimuli if there are more than one factor. Thus stimuli refer to anything that can evoke a response in an organism or living being. The things that are capable of creating a stimulus or stimuli are known as stimulants.

This term is frequently used in various fields like physiology and psychology. In physiology it indicates visible alterations in the internal and external environment that stir up a reaction in an organism. Stimuli can also be described as an incentive that induces an action as its effect. Physiologists have divided stimuli into two types namely homologous stimuli and heterologous stimuli. This word has originated from the Latin term stigmalus which means to stimulate.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stimuli SIMPLY  Means The ZEAL....

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