1. Pastors/ministers
2. Lawyers/attorneys/DA/police
3. Used used car salesmens
5. Government
1. Pastors/ministers
2. Lawyers/attorneys/DA/police
3. Used used car salesmens
5. Government
Car salesmen are professional deceivers, but since most politicians are lawyers, we should count them twice. Yet even those notorious BS'ers must stand IN AWE of the lies and distortions perpetrated by priests, ministers and clergy. No others come close.
Pastors, of course.
The people on the rest of the list at least base their lies in the real world, they just twist that reality to benefit themselves.
Pastors base their lies on a world of complete fantasy that they can manipulate by their personal delusion anyway they want to get your money, to have power over you and spin you a tale out of whole cloth.
Creation "Scientists", Politicians, Clergy, Used car salesman.
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