Does anyone believe in the Mandela effect and if so what experiences have you had with it?


2 Answers

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

I do not " believe in" things as if I were some religious nut bag. I accept the evidence for phenomenon if substantive and also having many lines of convergence on the phenomenon. 

The "Mandela effect" has not supporting evidence for its assertions of parallel universes and  variance in human memories aside from the actual facts of a matter. This "effect" is just a subset of the psychological concept of confabulation, the concept dealing with these erronious memories. 

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Perry Nuttal
Perry Nuttal commented
People online are saying that famous lines or titles of films have changed. Famous logos like volkswagen, Life WAS like a box of chocolates instead of Life IS like a box of chocolates. Bible passages The Lion will lay down with the Lamb is now the lion will lay down with the wolf. Hitler having blue eyes instead of brown. Magic mirror on the wall instead of Mirror Mirror on the wall. C-3PO has one silver leg when people remember him being all gold, the list goes on, and when they check their old books, videos, items they have changed too. I was wondering if anyone has debunked it, found an old item that hasn't changed.
John McCann
John McCann commented
@Pea Nuts

People online say a lot of things including the debunking of this supposed phenomenon.

There is no scientific investigation of this claim because there is nothing to investigate.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@John McCann

(For those who don't know what "quote mining" is, it refers to taking a quote out of context to try to prove a "point." And taking the time to mention that what I say is NOT "quote mining" is like saying, "Look at how many things I know something about---I must be right about this too.")

So you approve of Darwin's work in "evolution" but not his opinion of his findings with relation to a god the existence of whom he does not think to be inconsistent with his theory.

But he "was a man and men make mistakes"---except you of course, right?

And I'm not going to try an explain to any reader why you misused "conflate"---suffice it to note comes from your belief that you are always right. (And that kind of faith makes us theists proud---even if it is proof that also exists only in the mind of the beholder.)
Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Pea Nuts,

No I do not believe in the Mandela Effect...with the caveat that I have not researched it thoroughly.

However somewhere around the age of 40 when I got old enough to even have lots of memories, I started checking them out as part of understanding myself...and discovered just how "iffy" memory can be.

* * *

The primary promoter of the Mandela Effect is a paranormal consultant and ghost-hunter, and so I think that is why she came up with an explanation of this kind. A more important lesson as I would see it is for us all to understand the capricious nature of memory and incorporate that understanding into our relationships with each other.

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