To end my children's suffering.
More wishes
Dear Didge,
Since most of my wishes seem to be panning out already, in a strange backwards unforeseen kinda way, then my next wish is for everyone here to get theirs... and with a special remembrance for Otis.
To be beautiful healthy slim.
I would wish to able to get 8 hours of sleep most nights. (I average around 6, some weeks even less.)
At this exact moment,I wish for my money back,but at a different time it would be another wish.
I'd wish for my children and grandchildren to live good healthy lives with no worries.
Today I'd wish to own a successful winery/Vineyard. And have a home on it as well. It has to be on the water and have a pop up gourmet pizza and pasta restaurant in the summer. I don't wanna do any of the work on it though...I just wanna drink wine , eat good food be wealthy and wake up to a beautiful scenery everyday...also I'm gonna need to be able to eat and drink lots of carbs without gaining weight <that's included in my one wish cos it's part of owning the winery . Also the vineyard has a pony on it and Lenny Kravitz already lives there so they're both mine now too.
Since everyone already has all the good answers taken......
I wish for the good fairy to drop a house on the bad fairy!!! LOL!
I would ask that every animal sufferings must be terminated that's my wish.
I'd ask for the ability of unassisted flight.
That everyone I hate gets tortured for all eternity for doing the same to me. :D
To end my health problems
That the last 6 weeks of my life was just a dream, and not a reality.
Well, I am surprised no one has asked for a unicorn. Maybe they knew I wanted one.
to be happy for all I have.