What is an affordable, nice looking, lasting houseplant I could buy?


9 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

An aloe plant! Serves two purposes....one, it's a plant....two, it's a plant that soothes burns!

Nina Nina Profile
Nina Nina answered

A little palm tree! I've always wanted one :)

In my opinion, they're pretty affordable (I've seen them <$20). Depends on the kind you get, of course, and the maintenance cost obviously varies.

They're lasting and beautiful for sure!

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

An artificial one.

7 People thanked the writer.
Nina Nina
Nina Nina commented
That was my first thought as well but then I got too excited about palm trees ;)
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
Palm trees are pretty cool. Bamboo plants are neat too. They grow in just pebbles and water.
Nina Nina
Nina Nina commented
Bamboo is pretty cool, but palms are more my style :)
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

One of our sons gave us an orchid in a pot about 20 years ago. While it's flowering we keep it indoors, when it's not it lives in our greenhouse.

It has not only thrived, it has had pups, and we now have three orchids in three pots, where only one existed before.

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

I'm with Angela on this, an aloe vera plant. If you put them outside in the hot summer they grow really big, then bring them in during winter. I do that with my palms too, watch for the palms, make sure they haven't got any fungus.

Water Nebula Profile
Water Nebula answered

Pink nymph cactus. At least, that's what I use

Just to warn you, they're often sold with artificial flowers glued to the space at the top of the plant

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

Ficus benjamina or Benjamin fig, or Weeping Fig is a good plant for indoors.  Had one in my office for years before I retired, and it seemed perfectly happy living in in the toxic atmospahere of a HR office. 

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