What, given the immediate power to do so, would you change?


6 Answers

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

No more cancer and no more bullying.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

to have  a better life.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

1) The elimination of one particular man who is dedicated to his own fame and wealth and backed by a political party that has signed on for the ride along with the millions who back him up.

(This is a rephrase of an answer printed on page 56 of Time's June 25, 2018 issue.)

2) If I wore a watch (and also traveled all over), I'd probably go for the numbers on the watch batteries.

3) End cruelty to pet animals---regardless of size or taxonomic category.  (Don't want to get into the issue of raising animals for food.)

4) And that would be enough for today---it's almost 5 PM, CDT.

2 People thanked the writer.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Based on the quality of your choices, the genie may permit you a second day.
Be careful on that first item though, the Secret Service may soon be sniffing ‘round your trash cans...

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