A telescope is a device that is used to make far away objects appear nearer. It is believed that the telescope was invented with the same object in mind. It derives its name from the Greek. The word "tele" is Greek for "far" and the word "skopein" means "to see or to look". Thus even the name defines the very purpose of the telescope.
The invention of the telescope is credited to a Dutch inventor called Hans Lippershey. Even though Hans was not the first person to have thought of a telescope and built one but he was the first to realize its potential. This was in the year 1608; he even marketed the device to the government seeing its military potential. Galileo developed the concept further and introduced the telescope to the field of Astronomy.
The invention of the telescope is credited to a Dutch inventor called Hans Lippershey. Even though Hans was not the first person to have thought of a telescope and built one but he was the first to realize its potential. This was in the year 1608; he even marketed the device to the government seeing its military potential. Galileo developed the concept further and introduced the telescope to the field of Astronomy.