Unfortunately, at this time there is no Golden Corral Buffet in Connecticut. It is a good idea to contact the company directly to find out where the nearest Golden Corral Buffet may be to your current location. You may find there is a restaurant close to you in another state. According to Golden Corral Buffet mapping programme there is definitely not one in Connecticut.
There are locations in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Delaware also has a couple of locations, as does New Jersey. You may find that one of these places is not a far drive from your home if you use Google Maps or the Golden Corral Buffet Map. Golden Corral Buffet has 498 locations around the USA.
If you contact the company directly you may find it is possible to discuss the company building one in your state. Sometimes when a company receives enough requests for a location they try to accommodate the demand. It is not an absolute, but there is nothing wrong with contacting the company to let them know you enjoy Golden Corral Buffets and you would like to have a location in your state.
Without further details it will be hard to pinpoint which restaurant is the closest to your current location. Hopefully, from the information provided such as Googlemaps.com and goldencorral.com you will be able to find the state that has the closest Golden Corral Buffet to your current location. Simply select get directions in the mapping programme and you will find out the distance of each location.
Golden Corral does offer franchises, so you never know when one might open in your area. Their website does not provide any news as to when or if they will open a Connecticut location in the near future or ever.
There are locations in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Delaware also has a couple of locations, as does New Jersey. You may find that one of these places is not a far drive from your home if you use Google Maps or the Golden Corral Buffet Map. Golden Corral Buffet has 498 locations around the USA.
If you contact the company directly you may find it is possible to discuss the company building one in your state. Sometimes when a company receives enough requests for a location they try to accommodate the demand. It is not an absolute, but there is nothing wrong with contacting the company to let them know you enjoy Golden Corral Buffets and you would like to have a location in your state.
Without further details it will be hard to pinpoint which restaurant is the closest to your current location. Hopefully, from the information provided such as Googlemaps.com and goldencorral.com you will be able to find the state that has the closest Golden Corral Buffet to your current location. Simply select get directions in the mapping programme and you will find out the distance of each location.
Golden Corral does offer franchises, so you never know when one might open in your area. Their website does not provide any news as to when or if they will open a Connecticut location in the near future or ever.