
How Do I Calculate The Osmolarity Of A Parenteral Nutrition Formula?


1 Answers

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Anonymous answered
The best-fitted equation, with a coefficient of discrimination R2 = .95 (R2 = .90 for samples between 500 and 1000 mOsm/L) is osmolarity (mOsm/L) = (nitrogen x 0.8) + (glucose x 1.235) + (sodium x 2.25) + (phosphorus x 5.43)-50, with the concentration of components in mmol/L. Adapting the equation in our daily practice, using g/L for glucose and amino acids, mg/L for phosphorus, and mEq/L for sodium, the equation is osmolarity (mOsm/L) = (amino acid x 8) + (glucose x 7) + (sodium x 2) + (phosphorus x 0.2) - 50, with a similar R2. CONCLUSIONS: Taking into account that an osmometer is not available in most clinical settings, the proposed equation appears to provide a quick and simple osmolarity calculation of neonatal PN solutions, thus allowing more accurate decisions to be taken regarding the choice of route and rate of administration of PN solutions


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