
How Do Shadows Change During The Day?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Shadows are areas that are created because direct light cannot reach that area. The most common form of light is the sun and when the sun is shining, it will not be able to shine though an object, so that object creates a shadow. The size of the shadow depends on a variety of factors including the time of the day, the size of the object blocking the light and the position of the sun at the time the shadow is created. The length of a shadow can change dramatically through a day. The length of the shadow that is cast is proportionate to the cotangent of the elevation angle of the sun. The elevation angle is the angle relative to the horizon. At sunrise the elevation angle is longer than at midday, for example, so the shadow of the object blocking the sun will be longer than in the middle of the day. Similarly, at sunset the shadow will be longer than in the middle of the day, although the shadow will form in the opposite direction to the shadow at sunset. This is simply because the shadow is always formed behind an object that is facing the sun. The farther away an object is when blocking the light the larger the shadow will be. If an object is moving the shadow will move with the object. Any loss of light, which projects the shadow, will move towards the surface of projection at light speed. Light speed is the time that light takes to get from its source to its destination. The human eye cannot see the speed of light, as the actual speed is 186,282 miles per second. The sun is the most common form of light, although shadows can be cast from light bulbs and candles.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The length of shadows change during the day depending on where the sun is.
I've lost my account, but I shall still give you some examples:

Early morning:
Low angle sun casts a long shadow.
Mid morning:
As the sun gets higher, shadows get shorter.
Sun at its highest, so shadows at their shortest.
Mid afternoon:
Shows getting longer again as the sun drops.
Late evening:
Sun is low in sky, so shadows long again.

Hope this helps for your needs...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shadows change during the day and night because of the position of the sun so when is day the shadow would be long and at night the shadow would be short because there isn't  as many  sun light as the day.
Dan The man, LOL Profile
Shadow change as the sun moves across our sky. Actually the earth rotates on its axis the sun looks to move but in actuality we are moving. As the location of the sun changes the direction of the light from the sun moves across you or an object that blocks light creating the shadow. The shadow changes because of this movement. The first clocks were sun dials using the shadow to tell time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shadows change during the day as the sun appears to move.the lower the sun the longer the shadow the higher the sun the shorter the shadow and shadows always appear at the opposite of the source of light(in this case the sun)..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shadows change because the earth is spinning round the sun witch sun shines on one side of the object witch creates a shadow of the object it is shining on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shadows change through the day because the Earth spins around and in the morning the sun rises on the east and sets on the west which makes the directions of the shadows move.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The length of the shadow changes during the day as the sun will shine from different points at different parts of the day, causing light of the sun be block differently. Thus, the shadow will change throughout the day.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Shadows Change During The Day Because Of The Position Of The Sun, Say It Is Day Time Then The Shadows Will Be Long And At Night Time They Will Get Shorter Because Of How High The Sun Is.    

From Arnold Middle School
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi the shadows change during the Day is because some times the reflexion the sun to take out.

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