Pound is a unit of measurement. It is also mainly used in the United States and United Kingdom. It is abbreviated as lb and is used to measure mass. Its size varies from system to system. The most commonly used pound in the present day is avoirdupois pound. A pound is equal to 16 ounces or exactly 453.59237 grams.
A kilogram is also a measure of weight and mass but considerably larger than a pound. It is measurement found in the International Standard of Units. This measurement is abbreviated as kg. One kilogram is equal to 2.205 pounds according to the Imperial System and is a commonly used system in the United States. Pound is used to measure small things and mass while kilogram is used to denote the mass and weight of larger objects.
A kilogram is also a measure of weight and mass but considerably larger than a pound. It is measurement found in the International Standard of Units. This measurement is abbreviated as kg. One kilogram is equal to 2.205 pounds according to the Imperial System and is a commonly used system in the United States. Pound is used to measure small things and mass while kilogram is used to denote the mass and weight of larger objects.