The conversion rate from grams to ounces is one gram equals 0.035274 ounces, which is a rounded figure. To answer the question of how many ounces are 250 g, this figure is multiplied by 250; resulting in 8.8185 oz. This is actually a rounded figure, if allowing more decimal places, the actual figure is 8.81849768073511oz.
This, however, may still be impractical for many kitchen scales. It is therefore rounded further, say to 8.82, 8.8 or simply 9 oz, depending on the display possible on the scales in question. Even the slightly higher 9 oz will have very little impact on how the recipe will ultimately turn out, so it is perfectly safe to round up to this.
- Impracticality of multiple decimal places
This, however, may still be impractical for many kitchen scales. It is therefore rounded further, say to 8.82, 8.8 or simply 9 oz, depending on the display possible on the scales in question. Even the slightly higher 9 oz will have very little impact on how the recipe will ultimately turn out, so it is perfectly safe to round up to this.
- Laboratory settings
- Conversion of measurements