
How Do You Drop An Egg Without Breaking It?


46 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I remember this project from when I was in high school and did really well at it. I devised a method that would stop the egg meeting a messy end!

Follow these instructions and you should get an eggcellent (sorry) result:

1. First, you'll need to build your egg a cockpit. Wrap the egg tightly with 1/4 inch bubble wrap. Insert the egg into a 3" X 3" X 3" box. That's a 3 inch cubed box. Ensure the egg is snug with additional bubble wrap. No seatbelt necessary, but the egg should not be loose inside the cockpit. Tape the box shut securely.

2. For the inner shell, crinkle newspaper and line the bottom of a 9" X 9" X 9" box. Insert the cockpit box into the middle of the nest. Crinkle more newspaper and stuff around the cockpit until the box is snug. Again, tape the box shut securely.

3. For the outer shell, crinkle newspaper and (you guessed it) line the bottom of a 12" X 12" X 12" box. Insert the inner shell box into the middle of the nest. Crinkle more newspaper and stuff around the inner hell box until the box is snug.

If you're allowed, as an extra precaution, you could also make a parachute for your egg so it gently falls to earth. Depending on the conditions of the test or experiment you are conducting, you may not be able to do this without being disqualified for cheating, so check first!

For the launch, drop the box from 100 feet. You will see the outer box compress to absorb the impact of the landing, and whilst the inner box may suffer a dent, the egg should be intact.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can protect the by putting Styrofoam around it then drop it and it will not break
Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
To stop an egg from breaking, you have to forget about the "drop" factor and concentrate on the "impact" factor. Cushion the impact with foam. Due to gravitational force, the egg accelerates to the ground very speedily at about 80kms per hour. When it comes to the stop suddenly, the quick deceleration tantamount to a huge amount of force applied or impact on the tiny area of the curved surface of the egg.

An object like a computer or a DVD player when wrapped with foam on all sides reduces the force of the impact. The foam is compressible and flexible, and works well to reduce the force of the impact, by increasing the time it would take for an egg to go crashing from top speed to a sudden stop. That is the reason you see eggs sold in cartons. They offer protection and cushioning if there is an impact. The force of impact is distributed around the sides of the egg minimizing or nullifying the damage.
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
An egg is oval in shape. The structure of the egg is such that it is meant to contain the substance within and when fertilized with sperm to make sure that development takes place within. An egg is also porous in design as well. An egg shell may seem brittle as it is made of calcium carbonate but this is the same material as that found in sea shells, pearls, stalactites and chalk. Due to the unique structure of an egg the top and bottom sections are tougher then the sides. If you ever have the opportunity to have a hard boiled egg then notice a second delicate yet defined layer of skin that covers the whole of the egg as a pouch. Even though an egg seems delicate it performs the function it was designed for with great success.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my class we are dropping eggs onto the container thing you make. My design is a Tupperware container with water on it. Cover it with plastic wrap and peanut butter on top to stop it from rolling off. It works well.
Michael Lai Profile
Michael Lai answered
If I remember correctly, this is something that has been explored in a previous episode of MythBusters. I can't recall what happened exactly, so maybe someone else can help me out there. But as far as the project in concerned, it really depends on what materials you are provided, and what you are allowed to do. In other words, you basically have to be given a scope within which you are allowed to carry out this project.

I agree with the answer that there are two ways to solve the problem. The first involves cushioning the fall, either the surface the egg will land on, or by wrapping the egg in some material. The second component is reducing the acceleration of the fall, either by some parachute device. In combination, the egg should have the greatest protection from the fall.

You can simulate the forces on the egg, and then try out your solutions before dropping the egg from the height. If your simulation was accurate, then the results from an actual drop should reflect this.
natalie johnson Profile
natalie johnson answered
I remember this when I was in Junior High. I am pretty sure that if you take an egg and stick it in a balloon and fill it with water that it won't break. I would try it before you show the teacher, though. The hard part is getting the egg in the balloon. Try one of those really big ones that are made for punching. You know the ones that have a rubber band connected to them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Make a parachutte or get a bottle and put cotton in it then put the egg in the middle then put rest of the cotton top of the egg make a box a little box then put the bottle in it then drop it from a 50ft tall building the egg will be safe
Haryank Doharey Profile
Haryank Doharey answered
When we try to break the egg from sides then then force working both sides is distributed and balanced means resultant force becomes zero that's why egg does not break from sides.....

                                                                              .....Haryank Doharey
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What I did was use two boxes and use batting and then cover it with bubble wrap and peanut butter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You wrap it with bubble wrap and put then in a box then put more bubble wrap around the box
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Put bubble wrap all around it then put a rubber band around it!! Or use a wash cloth!! He he
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to wrap it in lots of bubble wrap and duct tape TRUST ME I'm IN THE 6TH GRADE AND I JUST HAD THIS FOR A PROJECT
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try wrapping the egg in about 10 layers of bubble wrap and drop it and see what you get.
Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Dropping an egg and trying to save it from breaking is often an exercise conducted to explain various things like how to work in a team and to highlight things like unity, effective management and brainstorming for a common purpose. In this exercise the students put together in a team has to save the egg dropped from a predetermined height from breaking.

There are some ways of doing this. One of them is to create as oft ground where the egg is falling so that the fall is cushioned in a soft place and the egg remains intact. Another method is to let the egg fall through a sheet with a hole which again saves the egg from breaking. The second method is based on the theory of gravity and Newton's 1st law of motion. The egg doesn't break in the second situation because of the effect of the sheet on the acceleration of the egg.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here's what I used:
A medium-sized chinese food container
4 pieces of newspaper
a raw egg
* first, I got the chinese food container. Then, I crumpled up two pieces of newspaper & stuck them in the bottom of the container. Next, I placed the egg in the center. Last, I crumpled up two more pieces of newspaper and stuck them on top of the egg, making sure the newspaper is surrounding the egg. And that's all to it! Good luck!! :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My class is doing the same thing in physics!
Put egg in plastic bag (preferably small Ziploc). Scrunch up bag, to make sure  there's no air in there. Then cover the Ziploc with the egg sealed inside with rubber bands, for elasticity. Then get a football, cut the football in half, take all the stuff inside the football out, place the egg in the middle, and stuff the rest of the football with cotton or foam.
Works like a charm!
Hope this helps! ;)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mannnnnnnnnn this answer will own all in every thing.

Ok guys first of all soak your egg in vinegar,then in water,then put it into a balloon. Then get 3 or 4 cardboard tubes (the thing that is inside the cling wrap)stick them with tape. Make sure that no part of the balloon can touch the ground anyway if it does,it might not work,the only thing that should be touching the ground or grass is one of those tubes.

You are now ready to own your school in science.

Source(S) my brain and my mum for providing all those materials
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What can I use to stop an egg from breaking when dropped off the top of my school building?
What is the supplies I'll need?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You wack the egg inside a basket, then you put it inside a cup filled with water and seal it tight, put it in the egg and attach a parachute, drop it from heights and it should be still alive:)x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can put it in a can, fill it with water, put the egg in a glove, fill w/ water, tie it with string, seal the can and hope for the best
Hannah Summers Profile
Hannah Summers answered
Put some peanut butter (or something sticky) on the egg, put it in a plastic bag, then put a couple layers of socks over it
xay leex Profile
xay leex answered
Ez you just put the egg in a basket with something fluffy and tie a pLASTIC  bag to the top and it WILL WORK!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Put some peanut butter (or something sticky) on the egg, put it in a plastic bag, then put a couple layers of socks over it. This isn't my idea but it works.

Travis Workman Profile
Travis Workman answered
Well, there are a lot  of working ways, most idiots on here will say anything, and think their hilarious. But try covering it in cotton balls, and holding them on with rubberbands, and make a lot of layers.
Cliff Marrero Profile
Cliff Marrero answered
It already will need to have been cooked. An egg is delicate and more than likely will break when dropped.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You put a para shoot made out of bin liner and cut a square out strings on all the corner attach it to the egg!!! Duh
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that you could just use a slide and roll it down it to where it wont come off.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm caught in a trap
I can't walk out
because I love the egg too much baby
why can't you see
what the eggs doing to me
you don't believe a word I sayyy
don't break the egg guys its my babe
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't itz common sense you can't drop an egg without breaking it unless it landz on something really fluffy and soft (for safety reasons don't use your pet!)

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