Unfortunately there are no beaches that are very close to Chattanooga, TN - the nearest are around 400 miles away.
There are several options however if you do not mind traveling some distance. You have Savanna, Hilton Head Island which is around 400 miles away, or you could head to Florida; the closest Floridian beach being at Ft Walton which is just over 430 miles away.
If you need more detailed directions, travel times and exact distances then it may be worth using Google Maps. It is completely free and simple to use; follow these straightforward steps:
• Head to maps.google.com • Click on 'Get Directions' situated on the top right corner
• Type in the name of the place you are setting off from in 'Box A'
• Type in your desired destination in 'Box B'
• Click on 'Get Directions'
• You will see the distance, directions and relative travel times
You can of course also use your car's satellite navigation system (if you have one) to determine the route you would take. You can now also download satellite navigation software and Google Maps on your phone which may be useful.
There are several options however if you do not mind traveling some distance. You have Savanna, Hilton Head Island which is around 400 miles away, or you could head to Florida; the closest Floridian beach being at Ft Walton which is just over 430 miles away.
If you need more detailed directions, travel times and exact distances then it may be worth using Google Maps. It is completely free and simple to use; follow these straightforward steps:
• Head to maps.google.com • Click on 'Get Directions' situated on the top right corner
• Type in the name of the place you are setting off from in 'Box A'
• Type in your desired destination in 'Box B'
• Click on 'Get Directions'
• You will see the distance, directions and relative travel times
You can of course also use your car's satellite navigation system (if you have one) to determine the route you would take. You can now also download satellite navigation software and Google Maps on your phone which may be useful.