How Does A Kite Fly?


5 Answers

Steve Theunissen Profile
A number of intricate aerodynamic factors help to make this happen. Simply stated, when the air pressure under a kite is greater than that above it, it stays up. If the pressure above it becomes greater, then it drops.
A long string or line that you hold is attached to short strings on the kite's underside. This keeps it from flying away in the wind. It also acts as a stabilizer allowing you to hold the kite steady in position. Kites are best launched in open, breezy places. Walking or running a short distance against the wind, while you hold the line with the kite trailing behind, usually gets a kite elevated. The kite's tilt makes it climb because its front edge is pushed against the wind.

Kites may be made in a variety of shapes and sizes. But they will not fly if they are not properly constructed to meet the demands of flight. The use of one or several short strings that are connected to a kite's wooden frame is vital. These strings, tied to the long line that you hold, allows the kite to adjust itself to the varying air currents in the sky. Also, a tail, hanging at the rear end of most kites, provides a weight that keeps the kite tilted upward so that it can get the benefit of the upward thrust of the wind flowing past its underside.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When flying a kite, it is first important to check the weather forecast for a windy day, with a wind speed of 5 to 15mph recommended. You should then find a large area without trees or power lines to reduce risk. Holding the kite with both hands, toss it into the air until it is caught by the wind. You can also unravel a length of the kite string and run with it until the wind catches the kite. Release the string gradually until you have a comfortable length, which can be anything from 50 to 100 feet. The kite can be kept in the air without being lost by tying the string around a spool and securing it to the ground. When you want to bring the kite back down to the ground, simply wind the string around a kite spool to draw it in, and then the kite before it hits the ground to reduce damage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The lifting force of all kites is made by defecting air downward
Kaleem Raza Profile
Kaleem Raza answered
Kite flying is very interesting and entertaining, but it's necessary you have open space like roof top of the house or play ground where you can move easily, some people like sea side for flying kite. For flying kite you need some good quality of kites with strong quality of thread, specially made for flying kites there are lot of kinds of thread are available for flying kites usually available in form of thread spool. Kite thread known by their strength some weak threads used to fly a kite in normal slow wind conditions.

First fly the kite on flow of the air then kept the kite in the air without being loosing control of it, now you have to control the kite in the air using thread in hand your hand, losing thread takes kite forward and winding thread can helps to pulling back the kite. Keep kite in the air and use thread of the spool to control the kite in the air. When you wish to pulling back just pulling back all the thread with the kite and roll it on the spool of thread.

Kites are available with various design and styles and lots of different shapes, colors, geometric designs and sizes. Flying kite is equally famous in adults and kids. Flying kite is very popular in the countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Japan, China and several other countries. "Basant" is also a very popular festival in Pakistan is for flying kites.

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