
How Can I Tear A Ligament In The Bottom Of My Foot?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I actually just did this.  It occurred while jumping for ball, not during the landing but while actually in the act of jumping I felt it snap.  The normal doctor said it was plantar fasciitis (which is inflammation of that area) which didn't make sense to me because it happened suddenly so I went to a specialist who properly diagnosed it.  He says it was likely caused by me starting and then stopping a walking regimen which probably reduced the flexibility of the ligament so when I jumped the wrong way it tore.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Run on the edge of a sidewalk and then "accidentally" slip on the side, but the sidewalk has to drop off on the edge. =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am trying to do the same thing! I really need to get out of a dance concert!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I guess it really depends on how determined you are to do it. If you really want to, I'd suggest sticking your foot in to some sort of farm machinery.

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