
How Do Penguins Adapt To Life In The Sea?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Also there webbed feet help for more powerful feet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They have tightly packed overlapping feathers which helps with warmth and waterproofing, also their wings are adapted to help them to 'fly' through the water at speeds up to 15mph. Answer your question?
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Penguins are designed or evolved to life in the sea. Some species of penguins spend as much as seventy five per cent of their lives in the water. Penguins lay their eggs on the beach and raise their young there as well. Their bone mass is nice and solid which makes their body weight heavy and allows them to dive deep. Their wings are built as flippers and help the penguin move at speeds of over fifteen miles per hour. Their streamlined bodies give them a great advantage while swimming. They have a watertight and oiled making them impenetrable. Their feathers get coated by oil which is produced in a gland near the tail of the penguin. Penguins also have a layer of blubber which keeps them nice and warm.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Penguins are the only birds that can migrate by swimming... They need to know how to do this in order to react to changes in adaptation.

~Kelsey (P.S hope it helps!)

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