
Why Is Mitosis Important To Living Things?


9 Answers

Alana Wouldn't you like to know. Profile
Mitosis is necessary because it is the most basic cycles needed for any type of life. All cells use mitosis for cell division because not all cells last that organism's lifetime. As a human we go through and shed millions of skin cells a day if we didn't have mitosis then we wouldn't be able to replace the ones that we lost. Now several things can go wrong with mitosis and sometimes chromosomes don't split evenly during anaphase causing disorders and mutations (not all of which are bad). Mitosis is pretty basic its really meiosis that is really confusing. I hope this helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mitosis is important to a living organism because when you cut yourself and you get a scar the dead skin cells flake off.But during this process something else is happening too.This is where the mitosis process comes in(all of the cells that died were replaced) .Without mitosis we would never have our new skin grow back.Also these are cells which these means that nobody lives without this process happening to their body.Cells are really important everybody has cells without cells we wouldn't be alive. When you die your cells also die.
Simone Miller Profile
Simone Miller answered
Mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two nuclei. Mitosis is not the same as cell division; mitosis is the first part of cell division. The second part is cytokinesis (the division of the rest of the cell).

Mitosis has four stages: Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Basically the chromosomes are duplicated and split off into two new nuclei by spindles from centrioles.
kahfilwara sajjad Profile
A division with out the formation of spindle is called amitosis. In amitosis the nucleus develops a constriction in the middle that finally divides into two separate portions.
kahfilwara sajjad Profile
The process of cell division called mitosis is more or less similar in plants and animals.It takes place during embryonic development and growth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mitosis produces the cells of the body. When they split they produce identical cells with a complete set of DNA. They are exactly like their parents. It only has one division and that leads to two cells.
Tauseef Sheikh Profile
Tauseef Sheikh answered
It is a mechanism in which a cell duplicates itself chromosomes to create two identical cells. You can also say that it is division process of one cell into two daugther cells.
anna krizia guerrero Profile
Mitosis or cell division is important as it is the first step in growth and differentiation.
When a cell is not dividing,it is said to be at the interphase stage..
Mitosis can be described as occurring in four major phases after interphase:prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because its a cell and all living things have cells without cells they would die bc the cell is the starting of organsims for example
cell -> tissue -> organ -> organims

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