"Stored energy is potential energy”. It is fuel not yet used. Examples of this are the gas in the tanks at your local gas station or what is in our tanks when our vehicles are parked; a light switch in the off position; or the food you just ate but haven’t digested yet. These examples and many others explain stored or potential energy. Another question related to the one above is: What is energy? "Energy is the ability to do work”. Thus, energy is the power to do something, move things around, walk, fly or rotate, etc. There are many types of energy. Some instances are the heat we get from the sun, the gas we burn when cooking dinner, or another meal, or driving our vehicles. The food we eat to nurture and power our bodies to do all it does, knowingly and unknowingly, is a form of stored energy. Another great case of stored energy is plants. Plants and trees use the sun, soil, and water (all forms of potential energy) to store up energy so they can live and grow. They then produce seeds to continue the process. We humans, in turn, eat the seeds or the plants themselves and that stored energy is released into our bodies and put to use to move us through our daily lives. A quick cursory look around you will give you even more examples of stored energy. Batteries, your heating and air condition unit, and even your own body parts are all excellent and well known examples of stored energy!
Potential energy, or stored energy, is the ability of a system to do work due to its position or internal structure. For example, gravitational potential energy is a stored energy determined by an object's position in a gravitational field while elastic potential energy is the energy stored in a spring.
Stored energy is energy which was already there ?
Potential energy is stored
Energy is the ability of any body to do some work. A work is said to be done if a force is applied on any body and it is made to move a certain distance in a direction. When work is done it is done on a certain body and the amount of work done on a body is stored in it as energy. Energy could be either in the form of kinetic energy, elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and electrostatic potential energy etc, or any other form of energy. But it is stored after some work is done. The energy stored is always convertible i.e. It could be converted from one form of energy to another form of energy. The units of energy stored are joules. In many cases the energy stored is converted from one form to another form for example in case of a simple pendulum this does happen, in case of the mass attached to a spring it does happen. This concept of energy stored has a wide application in our daily life like in case of electronics and many other walks of life where some form of movement is required with stored energy.
Potential energy
Solar and hydroelectric is a stored energy
Stored energy in something is basically what the thing does. Like for instance a spring is the stored energy in a pen when you click it.
Stored energy is energy which was already there.Potenial energy is often described as stored energy.
Stored energy is energy which is in food and that can be stored in your body until a certain time that you will need it..
This is writen by Imitha Pama
This is writen by Imitha Pama
Energy that is being stored