Since you said 'diameter', I assume you mean finding the area of a circle with diameter 5 meters. The formula for finding area of a circle is pi X (radius squared) OR pi X radius X radius. Diameter = 5m, Radius would be 5m/2 = 2.5m So the area of the circle would be 3.141592...Read more
answered question
The 'tenth' place is the number 4. First, look at the number to the right. If the number is 5 or less, just take away all the digits to the right of 4 in this case. If the number is more than 5, add 1 to 4 which gives 5, then take away all the … Read more
answered question
In 6 / ? = 2 you know ? = 3 and 6 / 2 = 3 so 6 / 2 = ?. In the same way 50 / ? = 2.5 so 50 / 2.5 = ?. 50 / 2.5 = 20