Qanita Riaz
Qanita Riaz answered question
Pores are really very small openings on the skin for excretion of sweat and other wastes from the skin. When your pores are open , different oils in the form of excretion come out and become the reason of pimples and boil formation on the skin. In order to clear those pores and also to … Read more
Qanita Riaz
Qanita Riaz answered
An internet is private to one group (sometimes called isolated) if none of the facilities or load is accessible to other groups. Typical implementation involves using leased lines to interconnect routers at various sites of the group. The global Internet is public because facilities are shared among all subscribers. Hybrid architecture is one, which allows … Read more
Qanita Riaz
Qanita Riaz answered question
In SQL for the integrity of data, following four conditions must be met: Atomicity Atomicity makes the data consistent. It is that either the transaction should be completed or it should not start at all that is it should not hang in the middle. Consistency Consistency is that when a transaction is taking place on … Read more