Ethan Horsley
Ethan Horsley answered question
Leakages in an Economy, are any avenues through which money leaves the Economy. This can include when people with large amounts of money decide to bank off shore (usually in Swiss accounts to avoid paying Tax). Lets assume that this amount of money is £10 million. When this money is placed in an off shore … Read more
Ethan Horsley
Ethan Horsley answered
Quite often the results of psychological research can alter the thinking of the wider community. A prime example of this, is the results of Bowlby's 44 Theives study. Bowlby's conclusion of this study is that if children do not have a female primary care giver that is there at all times, i.e. A "stop at … Read more
Ethan Horsley
Ethan Horsley answered
Freud's theories have not always been so controversial.. They were 'formed' during the Victorian era in Austria and were widely accepted as a fact....  However, in a modern society, theories that continuously show women as second class citizens is not likely to go without comment from feminists and equalitists alike.. One prime example of Freud … Read more