Balls of increasing size evenly spaced on a string that you tuck away in your (or your partner's) anus. Then, just when you're about to orgasm (and not a moment before), you gently pull the string thereby releasing the balls one by one. Benoit balls come in plastic and metal, from petite to ginormous!
Pickle juice that will work because of the vinegar or if you have no pickle juice just drink 1-2 tbsp of vinegar and then a lot of water. Another way is 1 cap full of bleach not enough to hurt you. Mix it with orange juice for flavor. The last thing you can try is … Read more
A light year is 5,878,630,000,000 miles (about 6 trillion miles) just figure out how fast you are going to travel and you can figure out how long it will take you... I would recommend finding a warm hole to speed things up a bit!