Sharon Tyler
Sharon Tyler answered question
Generally she moves the litter around for safety. I'm sure she will move them again. Try creating a nice, warm place that the mother kitty will find easily and might move her litter to. Perhaps a nest of blankets in a closet or other secure location, with food for mom nearby.
Sharon Tyler
Sharon Tyler answered question
A goldfish's color responds to light, and does not depend on age. If a fish is kept in the dark it will get lighter, losing much of its color over time. For a true gold or simply your fish's brightest, healthiest color I suggest giving it full spectrum light. As they are outside, you are … Read more
Sharon Tyler
Sharon Tyler answered question
I believe that the best method to keep poenys healthy is to cut back dead blooms and leaves after the first frost or first few cold nights kill them. Some experts say you should cut the plant to the ground, others only 5-6 inches. In my personal experience you don't need to cutback any further … Read more