
What Are The Differences Between Arteries And Veins?


27 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries and veins are the components of our circulatory system which carry blood around the body. The differences between each are listed below:  1) Since arteries receive blood directly from the heart they must be able to withstand the immense pressure of the blood as it is forced out of the heart. Whereas veins carry blood towards the heart.  2) Blood is under great pressure in arteries; hence it flows fast, in spurts, reflecting the rhythmic pumping action of the heart. In veins the blood is not under great pressure, hence it flows more slowly and smoothly.  3) Arteries have thick and elastic muscular walls. The strength of an artery to resist pressure comes largely from thee elastic fibres. While veins have relatively thin and slightly muscular walls.  4) Arteries have no valves but veins internal valves along their length to prevent back flow of blood. These valves are folds of the inner walls, shaped like half-moons i.e. Semi-lunar valves.  Arteries are the carriers of red oxygenated blood (exception: Pulmonary arteries which carry de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs). Whereas veins carry bluish-red de-oxygenated blood (exception: Pulmonary veins which carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart)
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Anonymous commented
(1) it flow in pulses and vein flow smoothly
(2) it flow in high pressure, vein flow in low pressure
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have valves
Thin muscular walls
Not much pressure
Carry de oxygenated blood
Are blue

No valves
Thick muscular walls
Blood under great pressure
Carry oxygenated blood
Are red
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ARTERIES carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
VEINS   carry blood to the heart from the rest of the body.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 . In the arteries the blood is under great pressure hence it flows fast and it also split.
2. In the veins The blood is not under a great pressure hence it flows more slowly and smoothly.
3. Arteries are the carries of oxygenated blood.
4. Veins carry bluish-red de-oxygenated blood.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1) artery has no valve   vein has valve
2) artery can be stretched or recoil   vein cannot be stretched or recoil
Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered

Arteries and veins are the blood vessels that make up the circulatory system. They carry blood from the heart, around the body and back again and also from the heart to the lungs and back again.

An artery carries blood away from the heart so has to withstand the high forces and pressure caused by the strong pumping action of the ventricles. Arteries therefore have thick walls and wide lumens, so they can cope with this pressure and can carry large volumes of blood at any one time.

A vein does not carry blood under high pressure, because the blood that returns to the heart is travelling more slowly. It therefore needs much thinner walls but the main veins still have large lumens as they need to carry large volumes. Tiny capillaries that take and fetch blood from individual cells are sort of half way between the two but are so narrow, it hardly matters.

Veins also have valves, something that arteries never have. This is to prevent blood flowing backwards, which would be a disaster. Blood circulation is strictly a one-way system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries contain much more blood making it fatal if an artery is struck and opened
Kayle Profile
Kayle answered
One other difference is Arteries take blood away from the heart while veins take blood to the heart.
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
Arteries and veins are what make each organ of our body function. The function of heart is to create fresh blood in our body and when the blood is being created it should reach to the various organs of the body to make them function well. It is at this point where arteries and veins play a vital role.

The function of arteries is to take fresh blood to various parts of the body and as heart pump blood with great force arteries are situated in the inner layer of the body. Otherwise, even if a minor mishap happened and some upper part of the body get cut a major quantity of blood will come out resulting in the death of the person.

Veins also play a vital role in the function of the body as it takes used blood to heart to get refreshed and again supplied to various parts through arteries
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries are blood vessels that transport away blood from the  heart to the other parts of the human body and it is rich in oxygen (oxygenated). Veins are also blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart from the other parts of the body. It is not rich in oxygen (deoxygenated). Capillaries are blood vessels, that is essential for the exchange of vital materials from tissues to tissues, and is used as a connection between the veins and arteries.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries have high blood pressure while veins have lower blood pressure acting on it.
aileeny Profile
aileeny answered
Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood towards the heart./////////Arteries carry oxygenated blood but veins carry deoxygenated blood.//////Arteries do not have valves but veins have one way valves to stop blood flowing backwards.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries carry oxygenated blood to the heart and body and veins carry carbon dioxide from heart
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Artery take the blood to all parts of the body but veins bring the blood back to the heart
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1) arteries have a thicker wall than veins.
2) veins have valves to prevent back flow arteries do not
3) arteries carry oxygenated blood while veins carry de-oxygenated
4) arteries carry blood AWAY from the heart and veins carry blood TO the   
Minelli Profile
Minelli answered
Arteries do not change their diameter with respiration while veins change their size with respiration
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
Arteries are blood vessels which carry blood from heart to other parts of the body while veins carry blood back to heart. Capillaries are small blood vessels that are responsible for exchange of many things between blood and tissues. For details, visit Blood vessels.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. In the arteries, the blood is under great pressure which causes the faster motion.
2. In the veins, the blood is not under a great pressure therefore it flows more slowly and smoothly.
3. Arteries carry oxygenated blood.
4. Veins carry de-oxygenated blood.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
1. The walls of vein is easily compressed. After death veins are usually collapsed but in contrast arteries retain their patency.
2. In arteries the tunica media is usually thicker than the adventitia. In contrast the adventitia of veins is thicker than media[specially in large veins e.g the inferior vena cava].
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most arteries carry de-oxygenated blood
The pulmonary arteries doesnt because it goes away from the hear but to the lungs to get oxygenated
Pulmonary veins are the exact opposite
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Arteries are red but veins are blue
thanked the writer.
Kayle commented
No, arteries have bright red blood while veins have dark red or maroonish colored blood.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Artery starts from a vein stars from v 2) artery contain six words vein contains four words

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