
What Is The Difference Between Arteries And Veins Based On Lumen?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The lumen in a vein is much wider than an artery. Lumen does not really exist in an artery in fact (not sure how that works but thats what my biology text book says)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lumen also has to do with the blood vessels. It is the cavity of both arteries and veins
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In general, the lumen of a vein is larger than the lumen of an artery.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the difference is that they are all sorts of blood vessels ans I don't really understand what your trying to ask
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
(please someone feel free to delete this answer if its not really in the sense of this question)

Isn't lumen the power of a light source? I'm not sure I understand your question - I mean are you asking how much light they both give out? (zero) or how they reflect the light - please elaborate

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