Why Moon Size Increase Or Decrease In 15 Days?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Moon size neither increases nor decreases; the area which is in contact to the sun light is shining and we can see only this area and remaining part is dark due to the absence of sun light. All heavenly bodies rotates to own axis and also rotates to the sun. In the same way moon also rotates and due to this rotation the part or area comes in contact with sun light, we can see that area clear and remaining hide, and when it is the 14th date of moon Callander the sun light shows the complete one side of moon.
Second thing one complete day of moon is equal to 28days of earth and half day 14 days of earth,,,complete rotation of moon has a time period of 28 days.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because another planet comes in middle.

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