
What Are The Economic Effects Of Cannabis?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It has many Economic effects ... Cannabis may be used as a BioFuel and could abolish our need for fossil fuels ... Also Cannabis may be used as paper and help save the rainforest .. Also 1gram of cannabis is worth more than 1gram of gold ... And many country's like the u.s.a started off there economic success by using and selling the marijuana plant ...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the government were to control the production it would allow for secure jobs for the average citizen, as well as provide income which could go towards public programs such as health care or education, maybe to better educate people on drugs. And we can only hope that would take a huge chunk of cash out of street-dealers pockets.
Or we could just allow people to grow 5-15 plants and it would put an extra $5000 a month or so in their pocket. And hope that they use the money to better the world one way or another.
Either way it's better than allowing a black market to exist and feed money to gangs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres over 300 million ppl in the US. If only 25% bought a pack of Cannabis Cigs at $10 a day government taking half that for taxes $3.75 million a day. I believe that equals no national debt...

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