Main frame computers are large scale general purpose computers systems. The word main frame has its origin in early computers which were big in size and required large frame work in house. Main frame computers have large storage capacities in several million words. Secondary storage devices are directly accessible by these computers. These computers systems have more than one CPU and can support a large number of terminals.
These computers are fast in operations and accept all types of high level languages.
Mini computers are general purpose computer system with reduced storage capacity and performance as compare to main frame computers. These computers operate a CPU speed of few million instructions per second. These computers accept all types of high level languages and word length in these computers is 16 or 32 bits. These computers can support more than 20 terminals.
Micro computers are available are small in size which utilize micro processors. The CPU of micro computers is usually contained in one chip. Micro computers have low storage capacity and slow operation rate than mini computers and main frame computers. Micro computers are provided with video display unit, printer and secondary storage devices such as CD Drive, hard disk.
These computers are fast in operations and accept all types of high level languages.
Mini computers are general purpose computer system with reduced storage capacity and performance as compare to main frame computers. These computers operate a CPU speed of few million instructions per second. These computers accept all types of high level languages and word length in these computers is 16 or 32 bits. These computers can support more than 20 terminals.
Micro computers are available are small in size which utilize micro processors. The CPU of micro computers is usually contained in one chip. Micro computers have low storage capacity and slow operation rate than mini computers and main frame computers. Micro computers are provided with video display unit, printer and secondary storage devices such as CD Drive, hard disk.