How Big Are The Average Testicles?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
12 to 30 cubic centimeters for testicles. Penises are 4 to 6 inches when erect but that's not a problem because the vaginal canal is like 4 inches. Don't trust me 100% because this info is from wikipedia
Lynn Perie Profile
Lynn Perie answered
There is no "average" size of either testicles or penises.
They both come in many different sizes and shapes and all functions are the same.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yo you guys are all saying 6 to 4 ,hell when I was 8 my dick was bigger then that,I'm saying for a average adult 8 to 9
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 of my testicles is 5 inches don't know if thats normal or not
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My penis is invisible!!!!! But its also bright yellow!! Its 236 inches long so suck it guys! Ha.

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