
Why Is Water Considered The Universal Solvent?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Although not all things dissolve in water, it is often referred to as the "Universal Solvent". Water itself is a non-ionic, polar molecule and it will dissolve most anything that is non-ionic and polar, like itself, and most ionic compounds can be dissolved as well. Non-ionic means it has no charge and polar means that there is a charge difference within the molecule. The Oxygen in H2O is negatively charged and the two Hydrogen atoms are positively charged. Both charges are very weak, and this gives the molecule an overall neutral charge. Normally acid or base solutions can disolve other solutions or compounds of a like ph, but water, being neutral, is attracted to, and therefore dissolves solutions or compounds of any ph. Thus, water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid.
Wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients. This is why a human needs to drink as much water as he or she does. As we go through life eating and drinking (referring to things other than water) and inhaling and opening doors and putting on lotion, we absorb toxins into our body. Let's face it, this world is not perfect. Once inside us the kidney must filter these poisons back out. That's where water comes in. The water, being the solvent that it is, washes through the kidney and takes the toxins that it has removed out its the tissues. Without a solvent so universal the kidney would be unable to rid itself of the toxins, and it would poison itself to death. And if water were not structured just as it is, that's exactly what would happen. In fact, if water were not structured just as it is, life as we know it would cease to exist. Water and it's properties are very different from every other substance, and we owe our existence to it being so.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
It will dissolve more things than anything else. Of course, if you had a *real* universal solvent, where would you keep it?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Water is said to be a universal solvent since it dissolves most substances in it. Also, it is the mst abundantly found liquid on the Earth and can be thus used for experimental purposes.

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