
What Is Natural Vegetation?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation means any plants or trees that grow on their own ‘naturally’ without any form of human intervention.  Certain type of plants of trees have a natural place of origin or habitat, and before humans began to harvest vegetation and cut down trees, this type of vegetation would grow naturally without any form of man-made chemicals such as pesticide, to manipulate its growth. Each place on earth had a community of plants that were natural and adapted to a specific area, and, more importantly, had grown accustomed to that climate zone.  It is this type of plant community that is referred to as "natural vegetation”.

The origins of some types of plants have been displaced with growing technology and trade, and in some respects have been the cause of some damage to the natural vegetation of certain countries. The Rhododendron, for example, is native to Spain and Portugal; however, it is now regarded as a common representative of British countryside when it is in bloom. This plant was introduced to the British Isles during the Victorian period, when Britain saw a huge expansion to their trade and empire. Yet, it is believed that the Rhododendron has been the cause for the destruction of much of the natural vegetation in Britain. For, where the conditions are suited to this plant, it will smother and destroy any competing plant in the vicinity.

There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to importing non-native vegetation, for instance the discovery of new species and to harvest species that are endangered, however, as we have seen, there have been some issues where the natural vegetation of one area has been destroyed and endangered by a vegetation that is unnatural to that country.
anwesha dastidar Profile
Importance of natural vegetation is:  1) provide home to many animals and birds.  2) absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen  3) do not allow soil to be blown or washed away by wind and sand i.e. Prevent erosion.  4) hold water in the subsoil and help in checking flood  5)provide the soil with necessary humus content  6)increase the moisture in the air  7)provide many useful products to mankind.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation refers to the garment of plants and trees that exists in the area before it is modified by Man for activities such as farming, mining, lumbering and industrial, economic and urban development.

The presence or absence of natural vegetation helps to give the landscape of a region its particular appearance, example the landscape of the thickly forested interior of Sarawak appears very different from that of the arid landscape in the Middle East.The composition of a particular type of natural vegetation depends on the interaction of the various elements in the environment or habitat, such as relief, climate, soil, drainage and other related features.

When natural vegetation is cleared by Man o grow crops of any kind, the new vegetation is known as cultivated vegetation. Our market gardens, orchards and plantations on which are grown all kinds of cereals, beverages, fibers, raw materials, fruits and vegetables all form part of cultivated vegetation.

When natural vegetation such as forests are burnt down by forest fires or human activities, and eventually regenerates after a lapse of many years, is called secondary forest.
Man has been using and clearing natural vegetation since human existence. Thus very little remains of the original vegetation is left.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Good and knowledgeable information and is easy to understand for the usage of very simple english.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation means that plants that grow without planting they just grow from seeds blowing in the wind and floating on the sea until they reach land and grow
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation grows naturally in the environment by themselves without being planted through human activities such as farming and economic and urban development.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation consists of plants which grow naturally and have not been planted by people.Creepers, Shrubs, Mosses ,lichens and  cacti are yet other types of plants which grow naturally. However these plants do not grow altogether in the same place.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vegetation is a general term for the plant life of a region; it refers to the ground cover provided by plants. It is a general term, without specific reference to particular tax, life forms, structure, spatial extent, or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics. It is broader than the term flora which refers exclusively to species composition. Perhaps the closest synonym is plant community, but vegetation can, and often does, refer to a wider range of spatial scales than that term does, including scales as large as the global. Primeval redwood forests, coastal mangrove stands, sphagnum bogs, desert soil crusts, roadside weed patches, wheat fields, cultivated gardens and lawns; all are encompassed by the term vegetation.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Do you know that vegetation is different from natural vegetation? Natural vegetation refers to plant community which has grown naturally without aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for along time.Thus, cultivated crops and fruits , orchards form part of vegetation but not natural vegetation.
The question is about natural vegetation and not vegetation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Natural vegetation means that any types of plants or trees that grow on their own 'naturally' without any form of human invention.Certain type of plants or trees have a natural place of origin or habitat, and before humans began to harvest vegetation and cut down trees,this type of vegetation would grow naturally without any form of man made chemicals such as pesticide ,to manipulate its growth.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a plant community which has been totally unaffected by human activities whether directly or indirectly.this type of vegetation is very rare to come by in the world today because of the rising world population and intensity of land use.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Natural vegetation refers to plants that grow and develop by themselves without human help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By the term 'natural vegetation' I mean that it is a plant life from its ground level !

                                                                 BY- Syed Bilal.

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