One of the most important and dangerous type of pollution is nuclear pollution. Nuclear pollution is produced by nuclear explosion which are carried out for performing nuclear tests and which is used fro making nuclear weapons. Due to this explosion about 15 to 20% of the radioactive particles enter into the stratosphere. Once they entered into the air they continue to fall on the earth after about every 6 month up to several years. Almost 5% of the radioactive material entered into the troposphere, which is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere.
After the explosions the debris finally settled down in a few weeks. The smaller particles or fallout produced by the after the explosion or blast effects the leaves of the plant and damaging the tissue leaf. There leave are ingested by grazing animals and other living organisms which becomes so dangerous for their life. This radioactive iodine entered into the body of the man by the process of food chain. It further results into the thyroid cancer. Fallouts that stay in the atmosphere for year there slow accumulation in sea; vegetation is threat for living organism. Industrial plants, factories, power generating plants and solid wastes are responsible to add pollution. .
After the explosions the debris finally settled down in a few weeks. The smaller particles or fallout produced by the after the explosion or blast effects the leaves of the plant and damaging the tissue leaf. There leave are ingested by grazing animals and other living organisms which becomes so dangerous for their life. This radioactive iodine entered into the body of the man by the process of food chain. It further results into the thyroid cancer. Fallouts that stay in the atmosphere for year there slow accumulation in sea; vegetation is threat for living organism. Industrial plants, factories, power generating plants and solid wastes are responsible to add pollution. .