There are an estimated 75-100 trillion cells in the human body. Which is higher than the estimated number of galaxies in the Universe.
There are an estimated 75-100 trillion cells in the human body.
50 to 75 trillion cells
We all know that our bodies are made of cells of course, but no one actually sat down and count each and every one to see exactly how many go into making a person so we have to make estimates based on the size and distribution of the different types of cells, and the mass of an adult human body (in this case, the adult male body). These estimates lead us to conclude that, each of us has around one hundred trillion cells that make up their body. However, not all of those cells are what you might call, 'human' cells (i.e. Cells that contain your own genetic material). About 40 trillion of your body cells (comprising almost 50% of your body's cell count) are bacterial cells that live in your digestive system, primarily in your large intestine. However, these bacterial cells are much smaller than the cells that make up your body, so more of them can fit in a small space. Of the remaining ~50% of your body's cell count, only about 10% make up the solid tissues that we think of when we think of the human body (muscles, spleen, kidneys, bones, brain, stomach, skin, etc.). The remaining 45% percent of the cells in your body are blood or lymph cells of some sort that are not associated with any solid tissue. These cells actually comprise most of the cells in your body. There are approximately 30 trillion Red Blood Cells, 2 trillion Platelets, and 500 million White Blood Cells in your Circulatory System. In your Lymph system there are about another trillion lymphocytes and immune related cells. That makes a total of about 38-40 trillion cells. Naturally, most of the MASS in your body is comprised by the 4 trillion cells that make up your solid tissues, especially your muscle and skeletal cells.
It is about 50-75 trillion....
75-1000 trillion cells in the human body
100 trillion
More than there are people on the planet, or stars in the galaxy
I am also finding the answer of the question and I got to know that we have 99 or 1000 trillion cells in our body it's not sure it is just a guess
I don't know how many cells in the body because when you grow up your cells is divided.
50 trillion
No there is 7 million cells in a sperm cell
A lot(over 1millon)
There is more than 9million