
Does Lightning Really Help Plants?


7 Answers

Adam Yare Profile
Adam Yare answered
According to botanists and scientific experts, lightning can be beneficial to plants, because it adds special gases to rainfall. This enriched type of rain nourishes plants with a potent dose of nitrous oxide. Nitrogen is an important substance that contributes to the health and growth of plants - in fact, most commercial fertilizers contain plenty of nitrogen-based compounds. Since plants don't have natural access to a lot of nitric acids, they thrive when rain-containing nitrogen gas is absorbed into the ground around their roots. This type of rain may also be absorbed through the leaves and stems of plants.

Sometimes, after a rainfall that was paired with an electrical storm (i.e. Lightning), gardens and other green areas seem especially vibrant and lush; this is because the area received a welcome shot of nitrogen through enriched rainfall. Therefore, lightning is helpful to most types of plants and flowers, although it may be dangerous to property, animals, and human beings. If you've wondered about the special properties in lightning, and just how they will affect plants, gardens, and grass, you'll be pleased to know that they are beneficial, rather than destructive.

Catching rain in special containers during an electrical storm may be dangerous; if you want to take advantage of nitrogen-enriched rain and use it to fertilize your plants and flowers indoors, simply make sure containers are in place and ready before a predicted lightning storm begins. Then, when is it safe, you can go out and pour the container's contents into a watering can or other handy vessel. Treating your beloved household plants and flowers with this special, fortified type of rain may be a great and economical way to ensure that your plants grow strong and that your flowers remain colorful, pretty and crisp for a longer period of time.
E Jacobson Profile
E Jacobson answered
Yes lightning can be of great benefit to plants. This is due to the fact that lightning, even one flash of lightning, can give off enough electrical energy to make oxygena nd nitrogen gases in the air combine. This forms nitric oxide which then dissolves in the rain and becomes nitric acid as it hits the ground.
All plants need nitrogen to grow. This is why fertlisers contain nitrogen, often as the main ingredient. However, very few plants can actually obtain nitrogen from the air. They may be able to source a little, but not enough to be of great benefit. So plants depend on getting at least some of the nitrogen they need from the electro-chemical reaction which is caused by lightning.
This is why after thunder and lightning and the associated rain, the garden always seems refreshed and green for a few days afterwards. The plants have absorbed the nitrogen and have had a natural fertiliser applied.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, it causes nitrogen to form in the soil, which is essential for the plants to survive on its own.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This page is hard to read. The blue words are over top of the black words. Should this be fixed??
David Wechsler Profile
David Wechsler , Founder of, answered

The formation of nitric acid is not the whole answer... Electric fields
from  lightning forms create a charge imbalance on plant cell walls that
lead to a wide array of physiological changes within plants ranging
from increased metabolism to increased pigmentation and photosynthesis abilities. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well when Nitric oxide reacts with rain it forms acid rain,isn't it? Probably,if acid forms ,the acid will be nitric acid,I guess.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know I'm just a monkey!!!!

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