No country has the dialing code, 316; however, in the United States of America, the area code for many Kansas cities, such as Wichita and Andover, is 316. The United States of America has a country code of 1.
To learn more about country codes and area codes, check your phone book, or look for lists of country codes online. Some websites features long lists of country dialing codes for every nation on the planet. Other lists will show dialing area codes for states, provinces, or regions within countries. In general, it's also possible to dial up the operation, or the phone company's service support, to find out more information about which numbers you need to dial when you're planning to make an international phone call from a land line or cell phone.
Tips On Making International Calls
• You should always make sure you have a right country code and area code before you try to dial an international phone number - if you don't have unlimited long distance calling on our cell phone or land line calling plan, you will make a potentially expensive mistake if you dial the wrong number - after all, you may call a country or region far away, and rack up some charges while you figure out who you are talking to on the other side.
• To feel even more secure before making an international call, do a reserve look-up for the number on internet reverse look-up services, such as the Yellow Pages or Canada 411 - check the local number, and make sure the name matches the person or business you want to call. Then, check the country code against a master list. Once you follow these steps, you can dial with confidence.
Discovering the right country code, area code, and other important information about making long-distance phone calls is really very easy when you are able to double check information on the Internet.
To learn more about country codes and area codes, check your phone book, or look for lists of country codes online. Some websites features long lists of country dialing codes for every nation on the planet. Other lists will show dialing area codes for states, provinces, or regions within countries. In general, it's also possible to dial up the operation, or the phone company's service support, to find out more information about which numbers you need to dial when you're planning to make an international phone call from a land line or cell phone.
Tips On Making International Calls
• You should always make sure you have a right country code and area code before you try to dial an international phone number - if you don't have unlimited long distance calling on our cell phone or land line calling plan, you will make a potentially expensive mistake if you dial the wrong number - after all, you may call a country or region far away, and rack up some charges while you figure out who you are talking to on the other side.
• To feel even more secure before making an international call, do a reserve look-up for the number on internet reverse look-up services, such as the Yellow Pages or Canada 411 - check the local number, and make sure the name matches the person or business you want to call. Then, check the country code against a master list. Once you follow these steps, you can dial with confidence.
Discovering the right country code, area code, and other important information about making long-distance phone calls is really very easy when you are able to double check information on the Internet.