
Who Is The Father Of Physics?


21 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
Several scientists might be considered worthy of the title 'the father of physics' due to their noteworthy contributions and discoveries in the field.
Among those big names are:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Isaac Newton
  • Thales of Miletus
  • Galileo Galilei

The father of physics The truth is that our understanding of physics probably wouldn't be as deep and well formed if it wasn't for the incredible work of all the men mentioned above.

If you're of the opinion that the father of physics should be the first person to delve into the field, then Thales of Miletus might be a strong contender. He is widely viewed as 'the first philosopher' of Ancient Greece, and is responsible for the earliest documented observances on the nature of matter. He was also the first person able to predict a solar eclipse.

Biggest contribution to the field of Physics If you'd judge the father of physics as being the person to contribute the most to our understanding of the field, then perhaps Einstein and Newton might be stronger candidates.
Einstein's theory of relativity pretty much revolutionized human understanding of the physical world. His work in the field of theoretical physics are unparalleled.

Isaac Newton is probably the only other scientist capable of giving Einstein a run for his money. If his 1678 book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica had a blurb, it would probably read 'The most influential book in the history of science. Ever.'
Our understanding of the Universe, the laws of motion, engineering, mechanics and many other fields would not be the same without his contribution to physics. For this reason, I'd probably have to vote for Newton.
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Physics is the field of science which studies the natural world and the laws on which it works. It is considered as the most fundamental of the sciences from which the other branches like chemistry, biology and application oriented fields like engineering and medicine originate. Physics has been studied by man since ancient times in various ways with a number of eminent personalities contributing a great deal to the field.

Physics though it employs mathematical means to comprehend various concepts which are then subjected to tests or experiments also has a philosophical aspect about it. The ancient Greek philosopher Thales (6th century BC) is widely regarded as the father of physics. He is credited with being the first to study the heavens; some of his achievements include predicting a solar eclipse, construction of an almanac and his statement that all 'things' are formed of one primary element.

Some important philosopher physicists of the period include Aristotle, Democritus and Archimedes. The father of Modern Physics is considered to be the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei most famous for his assertion of the heliocentric view of the solar system.
Some famous physicists of the modern period are Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, Nikolai Tesla, Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein among others.
Nabiel Salam Profile
Nabiel Salam answered
According to me,Albert Einstein has contributed very much to Physics.So it is rightly to call him "THE FATHER OF PHYSICS"
arjan lingaya Profile
arjan lingaya answered
In the field of physics many physicist is considered as the father of physics,THALES is considered as the father of physics because of his study about the HEAVEN. GALILEO GALE LEI is considered as the father of physics because of his heliocentric view o the solar system. Another famous scientist who is considered as the father of modern physics is SIR ISAAC NEWTON because he is the one who study about the law of gravitation which explains that when you throw something in the air it will back to the ground because of this so called GRAVITY.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Galileo is considered to be the Father of Modern Physics.

Albert Einstein is considered to be the Father of Physics.

But different sites wary in this particular answer.
tosin tabel Profile
tosin tabel answered
The father of physics is ISAAC NEWTON. Because he use a prism to break white light into many colours known as ROYGBIV.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sir Isaac Newton for the father of classical science. It is Galileo Galilee for physics. It is Albert Einstein for MODERN PHYSICS
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You cannot have a father to a field of study, you can only have a father to the inventions and discoveries, such as "father of the computers" etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends on whether or not you consider the years of developments made in the field of physics prior to what we call "modern times". If not for the founders of physics, namely Newton and other scientists who developed the classical understanding, modern physics as we know it today could be quite different.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Galileo is considered to be the actual father of physics, he was actually the on that discovery the principle of relativity, einstein just wrote the general theory and special theory of relativity. Newton is considered to be the second most influential physicist.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Galileo Galilee?? How come.. Actually Albert Einstein is the TRUE father of physics...... Why is Albert Einstein called the father of modern physics and Sir Isaac Newton called the father of the classical sciences? It is because the inventions or the theories formulated by Isaac Newton is more of real life things which could be more or less be seen and is of common sense. The physics of this real objects is known as classical mechanics. Mostly classical mechanics is enriched with Newtonian laws , Hamiltonians and Lagrangian approach. In 1905 three papers were published by Einstein which led to a hell of new discoveries and the discoveries and theories followed is under the branch of modern Physics. It was something new and which people could not digest much (Relativity for eg). Newton was the inventer of the calculus (Leibnitz also invented it independently) and it is an essential mathematical tool in all the sciences, including Einstein's relativity.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Before Galileo the characteristics of energy, matter, motion and any other physical parameters were described by just a simple observation with no mathematical solution or process or a operation on it. For an example Aristotle said 100kg objects drops 100 times more faster than 1 kg object. This theory was just standing with no mathematical operations. It was Galileo who always tried to explain theory by help of mathematics and experimental bases. He supported his proofs by mathematically, by this he described that physics which means study of energy, matter, motion, etc can be better understood by mathematical derivations and laws that bound the rule of natural world. So for initiating this concept about how to understand physics, Galileo deserves to be father of physics.

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