
Can You Desribe The Water Cycle And The Importance Of The Sun's Radiant Energy In That Cycle.


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is because water needs the heat from the sun to evaporate into water vapour which then rises into the air and condenses to form clouds. Then the process precipitation(raining) occurs. So without the sun, water cycle won't occur.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The sun's energy is very important because it heats up the water to create evaporation
sonia guo Profile
sonia guo answered
The water cycle is just the process of water rising into the air and raining back down again. The sun's energy helps the cycle by heating the water to allow it to evaporate into the air without the sun the only way water can evaporate is by sweating, boiling water, etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
So the water can evaporate, from the sun's light, and the water may go up causing it to rain
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The sun is important because when the sun heat the ocean or other part of water it makes it to vapor.

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