There are many training courses for debt collectors around the country and online. To find out where they are in your area you should carry out a simple Google search. These courses will be the best way to acquire negotiation skills necessary for the job. A good website to join is
However, negotiation courses will inevitably have a price tag attached, so following free advice in written content online can be the best way to move forward without too much expense.
Collectors need to be polite, tactful, honest and firm in dealing with people. They also need to be persuasive and persistent at all times in order to get the debt which is owed. You should also be able to work well under pressure and able to relate well to people from a variety of backgrounds.
It is important before every job to be mentally and physically prepared. Even over the phone, a customer can tell if you are not focused on the job. If the customer can hear that you are not eager to get paid, then they will not be eager to settle their balance. Also, when making the first call, you should ask for the full amount and don’t assume there is a problem with their funds.
When asking questions, stay in control. Begin by asking open-ended questions, and when it is necessary, ask leading questions. Remember to focus and listen to the answers they give you.
Most importantly, you must show them that you are human too and just doing your job. In sales there is a saying that ‘people buy from people’. The same idea can be related to collections. People are more likely to connect with you and pay you the amount owed if they can relate to you on some level. Look them in the eye and remain integral to your word. Eye contact shows both integrity and professionalism.
There has to be a balance between being understanding towards their situation and getting the amount owed. You must be firm and progressively sterner with the customer if they continue to delay payment. Above all though, stay composed and focused and don’t let the customer draw you into an argument. They are in the wrong by not paying an outstanding debt. You, however, are just carrying out your job.
However, negotiation courses will inevitably have a price tag attached, so following free advice in written content online can be the best way to move forward without too much expense.
Collectors need to be polite, tactful, honest and firm in dealing with people. They also need to be persuasive and persistent at all times in order to get the debt which is owed. You should also be able to work well under pressure and able to relate well to people from a variety of backgrounds.
It is important before every job to be mentally and physically prepared. Even over the phone, a customer can tell if you are not focused on the job. If the customer can hear that you are not eager to get paid, then they will not be eager to settle their balance. Also, when making the first call, you should ask for the full amount and don’t assume there is a problem with their funds.
When asking questions, stay in control. Begin by asking open-ended questions, and when it is necessary, ask leading questions. Remember to focus and listen to the answers they give you.
Most importantly, you must show them that you are human too and just doing your job. In sales there is a saying that ‘people buy from people’. The same idea can be related to collections. People are more likely to connect with you and pay you the amount owed if they can relate to you on some level. Look them in the eye and remain integral to your word. Eye contact shows both integrity and professionalism.
There has to be a balance between being understanding towards their situation and getting the amount owed. You must be firm and progressively sterner with the customer if they continue to delay payment. Above all though, stay composed and focused and don’t let the customer draw you into an argument. They are in the wrong by not paying an outstanding debt. You, however, are just carrying out your job.