How Do You Swallow Air?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first thing you should do when looking to swallow air is take a large intake of breath. Then close your mouth and position your tongue towards the back of the mouth. You then want to contract your abdominal muscles and your diaphragm and swallow. This should lead to the air being moved down into the stomach and the contraction of your diaphragm pushes the air back up again in the form of a burp.

Swallowing air is a process that some individuals use to belch at their own will. This is not an easy thing to master and for most people belching is a bodily response to having too much air in the stomach. This is usually related to a feeling of bloated or fullness due to excess air in the stomach.

Although the sound of belching has its comedy value, it is considering quite a complex process. Seeing as the body is pushing air back up from the stomach, it is important to make sure that any food or liquid that may accompany the air does not get into the lungs. As a result, the larynx is raised like it would be if you were to swallow normally.

The raised larynx then in turn causes the oesophageal sphincter to relax so as to allow the air to pass through with relative ease. During this entire process, the diaphragm lowers as it would if you were to take a regular breath.

All these bodily functions then lead to an alteration in the pressure levels of both the abdominal muscles and the chest. Abdominal pressure is lead to increase whereas there is a decrease in chest pressure. These changing pressure levels help the air move from the stomach to the chest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Take a big breath of air.. Then close your mouth if it helps...move the back part of your toungue upwards n backwards almost like your tryint to gag yourself with it while pushing up with your diahpram your breathing out first but don't actually let any air out until you burp
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've been able to swallow air since I was a child. It is quite easy too, the above answers can work but take a lot longer to burp.

Pull your tongue back, mouth open and suddenly pull your chest muscles in... As if you were being punched in the centre of your rib cage. This method pulls in a full stomach of air in one move.

After a couple I start to feel sick so I stop.
Blake Beachum Profile
Blake Beachum answered
Pretend that you're swallowing food (take in air) put your tounge on the top inside part of your mouth and swallow, then open your mouth and push the air that you swallowed back up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can you swallow gum? If so you just have a bunch of saliva in it and open your mouth a little to let in the air. That way you know what your swallowing but you are also swallowing air to burp. Warning though. If you do it too much like me. Your body will get use to it and you end up farting, lol. I have to lay down and make sure it goes before I stand up otherwise... Well you get the idea.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All you need to do is take in air and swallow. I'm not 100% sure, but try it anyway!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't really "swallow" air. You're not supposed to actually "swallow" like when you're swallowing food. It has something to do with your neck. It's like a reflex.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pinch your nose, then take a deep breath and close your mouth. Then exhale air into your closed mouth and swallow the air with saliva
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to close your nose air way and get a big mouth full of air and then you need to close you entire air way and then open your asophogus and then swallow it is easy

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