
What Is A Lagoon?


7 Answers

Mary Ann Cassidy Profile
A lagoon is a narrow channel or pond and is sometimes connected to a large body of water.
Louise Gorman Profile
Louise Gorman answered

A body of shallow salt water seperated from the deeper sea by a coral reef or an exposed sandbank.

A lagoon refers to both the lagoons in atolls, formed by the growth of coral reefs and coastal lagoons formed by the build-up of sandbanks.

Coastal lagoons, found on coasts, have small tidal ranges. They are separated from the sea by barrier islands, and generally extend parallel to the coastland.

Wave-action or longshore currents that pile up coarse sediments off shore of the beach form non-reef lagoon barriers. Finer sediments can settle in the water behind the barrier once the lagoon barrier has formed.

Coastal lagoons have only constricted openings to the sea, resulting in different water conditions in the lagoon. The water conditions differ from the open water of the sea in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and sediment load.

Coastel lagoons are known as bays, rivers, sounds or lakes in many English-speaking countries. Lagoons in the UK are located in Scotland (Montrose) and Wales (Tywyn). The expnse of water inside Chesil Beach in England could also be described as a lagoon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its a shallow coastal body of water
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A logoon is a small body of sand surrounded by a large shallow body of water
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A shallow lake between the coast is called lagoon

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