What is the address for the Grand Canyon?
There is no "address" for the Grand Canyon. However, you will see businesses with a Grand Canyon city address and a 86023 postal code. These businesses are generally located in Tusayan, AZ near the entrance to the South Rim. If you're using a GPS or search engine software like Google Maps or Mapquest, you may enter the following latitude and longitude coordinates to find the entrance to the South Rim of the National Park: 35.990372,-112.123353
There is no "address" for the Grand Canyon. However, you will see businesses with a Grand Canyon city address and a 86023 postal code. These businesses are generally located in Tusayan, AZ near the entrance to the South Rim. If you're using a GPS or search engine software like Google Maps or Mapquest, you may enter the following latitude and longitude coordinates to find the entrance to the South Rim of the National Park: 35.990372,-112.123353