
What Happens To You When You Are Dehydrated?


4 Answers

Arlene Fernandes Profile
Dehydration is a condition which results when the body loses too much water. To maintain its normal functions, the body requires liquids. It is the chemicals in cells that require water that to carry out the reactions which allow them to survive. The more common causes include severe diarrhea or vomiting and some diseases, like diabetes. Symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration include a dry mouth and weakness. One should note that severe symptoms may be life threatening. These may include sunken eyes, inability to sweat, no tears, fast heartbeat and coma. Adults can be treated for mild dehydration with liquids. It is best to drink an oral re-hydration solution or water. If that is not possible, even a sports drink would do. Prevention by drinking plenty of liquids everyday is always better than cure. A note of caution is that, on the contrary, water intoxication or hyponatremia (that is too much water with not enough salt) can be fatal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Does mild dehydration affect the muscles
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You die

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