
Why Are International Environmental Conventions And Treaties Often Ineffective? What Can Make Them More Successful?


2 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
International environmental treaties and conventions are frequently ineffective because all too often many developing countries lack the capacity or technology to address specific environmental issues effectively.

In addition, issues are often perceived or addressed in different ways by different cultures or countries. Attitudes of individual countries may also be influenced by differences in technological or economical status.

A country with just developing industries and a struggling economy may well refuse to implement certain measures as they would have a negative impact on their developing industry and their economy.

Their attitude could be that they cannot be held responsible for the mistakes made by industrialized nations, and those industrialized, rich nations should deal with the problems.

Often rich countries, or rather the industrial component thereof, refuses to accept and implement necessary measures because it may actually cost them some of their millions to improve things.

  • Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of Treaties
There are two ways in which treaties or conventions can be made more effective. One is to impose sanctions on countries or companies who can afford to make changes and have the technology to do so, but refuse because they do not want to spend the money.

Developing countries need to be assisted by the industrialized world. The reason they are behind both in technological and economical ways is because their countries were, and still are to a certain extent, raided and exploited by industrialized nations.

It is time those wrongs were put right by providing these countries with enough assistance to bring them to the same level as the rest of the world. Once this has been achieved, and resources are equally shared, everyone will be on the same level and working from common ground for a common goal, namely to protect what is left of the planet for future generations.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In principle, countries are diverse.
They have different goals, priorities, ideologies and capabilities.
Because of this diversity, they actually cannot come together to enforce a certain cause (in this case, battling climate change).
For example, 3rd world countries prioritize settling internal conflicts before participating in any international advocacy.
For 1st world countries, on the other  hand, it actually compromises their economy which they heavily rely upon their industry. In joining such cause, they sacrifice their economy and therefore will eventually demote their status in the international arena.

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