Wow! Don't have enough space for that awns er, but in the short version,. " its just a matter of time ".. Its inevitable... Generally about the time ,when friends start becoming important ,defiantly by the drivers license age , but don't panic ,every child goes through a RE PARENTING phase,, into early 20's sometimes. Its only dangerous if communication breaks down completely ! I strongly suggest that you ,learn to laugh with them. .believe in them. ..always be an adult, in confrontations.. In the end.. Love overcomes all... A very good book for learning,
" COMBAT COMMUNICATION " is " I'm OK YOUR OK " a study of transactional analysis,... For very effective comuication skills ..good luck !!
" COMBAT COMMUNICATION " is " I'm OK YOUR OK " a study of transactional analysis,... For very effective comuication skills ..good luck !!