• The Three Exposure Hypothesis was developed by Herbert Krugman. It suggests that an advertising campaign only needs to be exposed to an individual three times for it to be effective. According to Krugman, in the first and initial instance when a consumer is confronted with an advertisement they think, "what is this?" The second time they are exposed to it they will think, "what of it?" When exposed to it for a third time, they will be reminded of what they thought of in the first two instances and this will jog their memory, making the advertisement more effective.
• Regency theory concludes that sometimes assumptions are made about people when coming up with marketing strategies or advertising campaigns. It does not take external circumstances into account when someone is interpreting an advertisement for example. In a way, it suggests that people often take things they are first confronted with at first value. In this respect, in terms of advertising it may suggests that what is concluded when first seeing an advertisement is exactly what will be thought or felt the next time and the time after that. If something does not make a big enough impact on somebody the first time they see it, it is unlikely to have any further effect on them when they see it again. They are either going to be interested or not.
• Regency theory concludes that sometimes assumptions are made about people when coming up with marketing strategies or advertising campaigns. It does not take external circumstances into account when someone is interpreting an advertisement for example. In a way, it suggests that people often take things they are first confronted with at first value. In this respect, in terms of advertising it may suggests that what is concluded when first seeing an advertisement is exactly what will be thought or felt the next time and the time after that. If something does not make a big enough impact on somebody the first time they see it, it is unlikely to have any further effect on them when they see it again. They are either going to be interested or not.